FULL NAME : Dela Siska
Credits : 2
LECTURER : Dr. Syamsurizal, M.Si
TIME : 20-27 December 2012
INSTRUCTIONS : This exam open book. But no cheating allowed, if it is found, then you otherwise FAIL.
FULL NAME : Dela Siska
Credits : 2
LECTURER : Dr. Syamsurizal, M.Si
TIME : 20-27 December 2012
INSTRUCTIONS : This exam open book. But no cheating allowed, if it is found, then you otherwise FAIL.
a simple research about the kinetic energy associated with your daily life and
arrange your report in accord with the sixth science process skills you have
already understood.
Answer :
Kinetic energy is the energy that arises due to the system (material) that
moves. The amount of kinetic energy depend on mass and velocity. Kinetic energy can be formulated as follows:
In everyday life, we are in need of
energy to do activities.
To produce a maximal activity then we need
enough energy.
In the world of science, energy and strength is the ability to do work or to cause the business / change. Enterprises usually described as a change of energy from one form or another to forms system, which often produces a wide range of motion.
For example, an apple has a cult-dependent energy is known as potential energy, due to a higher position on the ground. If the apple falls, the potential energy transformed into motion energy, known as kinetic energy and effort occurred on the apple falls from the tree.
Become Change Thermal Energy Kinetic Energy (motion)
The system is said to have the energy or the object or objects when the system has the ability to do business. For example, water can be hardened-movement vanes (windmill). Of the event can be concluded that the water has energy.
There are several forms of energy include: kinetic energy (motion), potential energy, thermal energy, electrical energy. Sesuwai denggan law of conservation of energy, energy can not be destroyed or created. But so energy can be changed from one form to another. As an example of thermal energy can be transformed into energy of motion as in the lab below.
- Objectives
To know that energy can change, heat energy into kinetic energy (motion)
- Tools and Materials
1. Single candle
2. Matches
3. Shaped Paper Sepiral
4. Yarn approximately ten meters
5. Wood and Peganggan
6. Scissors
- How it Works
1. Punch a hole through the end of the paper and tie with string sepiral
2. Tie the other side of the yarn on wood or peganggan to hold at the time of trial
3. Light a candle and place it on the wax paper sepiral but give a distance of about five meters
In the world of science, energy and strength is the ability to do work or to cause the business / change. Enterprises usually described as a change of energy from one form or another to forms system, which often produces a wide range of motion.
For example, an apple has a cult-dependent energy is known as potential energy, due to a higher position on the ground. If the apple falls, the potential energy transformed into motion energy, known as kinetic energy and effort occurred on the apple falls from the tree.
Become Change Thermal Energy Kinetic Energy (motion)
The system is said to have the energy or the object or objects when the system has the ability to do business. For example, water can be hardened-movement vanes (windmill). Of the event can be concluded that the water has energy.
There are several forms of energy include: kinetic energy (motion), potential energy, thermal energy, electrical energy. Sesuwai denggan law of conservation of energy, energy can not be destroyed or created. But so energy can be changed from one form to another. As an example of thermal energy can be transformed into energy of motion as in the lab below.
- Objectives
To know that energy can change, heat energy into kinetic energy (motion)
- Tools and Materials
1. Single candle
2. Matches
3. Shaped Paper Sepiral
4. Yarn approximately ten meters
5. Wood and Peganggan
6. Scissors
- How it Works
1. Punch a hole through the end of the paper and tie with string sepiral
2. Tie the other side of the yarn on wood or peganggan to hold at the time of trial
3. Light a candle and place it on the wax paper sepiral but give a distance of about five meters
Describe an experiment which associated with the
following terms : pendulum, frictional force and highest point. then enter the
terms into the procedure so that these terms included in your experiment.
Answer :
Answer :
A pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot
so that it can swing freely.When a pendulum is displaced sideways from its resting
equilibrium position, it is subject to a restoring
force due to gravity
that will accelerate it back toward the equilibrium position. When released,
the restoring force combined with the pendulum's mass causes it to oscillate
about the equilibrium position, swinging back and forth. The time for one
complete cycle, a left swing and a right swing, is called the period. A
pendulum swings with a specific period which depends (mainly) on its length.
F The simple
gravity pendulum is an idealized mathematical model of a
pendulum.This is a weight (or bob)
on the end of a massless cord suspended from a pivot,
without friction.
When given an initial push, it will swing back and forth at a constant amplitude.
Real pendulums are subject to friction and air drag, so
the amplitude of their swings declines.
If you push a cabinet that dwell on the
floor with a horizontal force is small, it is possible that the box does not
move at all. That's
because the floor doing horizontal force is called static friction force fs
which offset styles you do like in the picture. This
frictional force caused by molecules cabinets and flooring in places where a
very close contact between the two surfaces. This style as
opposed to the outside is done. Static
friction force is somewhat similar to the style of support that can adjust from
zero to a maximum force fs max depending on how strong you are pushing. If
you urge is strong enough, then the cupboard will slide on the floor. If
the box is sliding, molecular bonding is continuously formed and broken and
small pieces berpecahan surface. The
result is a kinetic friction force fk also called sliding friction that opposes
the motion. To
maintain the cabinets that slide at constant speed, you should do the same
great style and opposite to the force of kinetic friction is.
When you start pushing, it takes a force large enough to allow the cabinet to shift. At the cabinet began to move, the thrust required to maintain the motion is smaller than the thrust given in the beginning before moving. The maximum static friction force (fs max) circuitry comparable normal force between the surfaces:
fs max = μs Fn
the so-called coefficient of static friction μs. The coefficient of static friction depends on the nature of the surface of the cabinet and floor. If we do the horizontal force is smaller than fs max in a closet, the friction force will exactly balance the horizontal force is. In general it can be written
fs ≤ μs max Fn
kinetic friction force opposing the motion Araha. Such as static friction, kinetic friction is the symptom complex and not yet complete seccara dimengertti. The coefficient of kinetic friction μk is defined as the ratio of the force of kinetic friction fk with normal force Fn. Then:
fk = μk Fn
experimentally found that:
a.μk is less than μs
b. μk depends on the relative speed of the surface. But for the lag in the range of about 1 cm / s up to several meters pr second, almost constant μk
c . μk (like μs) depending on the nature of the surfaces in contact, but do not depend on the area of contact (macroscopic)
When you start pushing, it takes a force large enough to allow the cabinet to shift. At the cabinet began to move, the thrust required to maintain the motion is smaller than the thrust given in the beginning before moving. The maximum static friction force (fs max) circuitry comparable normal force between the surfaces:
fs max = μs Fn
the so-called coefficient of static friction μs. The coefficient of static friction depends on the nature of the surface of the cabinet and floor. If we do the horizontal force is smaller than fs max in a closet, the friction force will exactly balance the horizontal force is. In general it can be written
fs ≤ μs max Fn
kinetic friction force opposing the motion Araha. Such as static friction, kinetic friction is the symptom complex and not yet complete seccara dimengertti. The coefficient of kinetic friction μk is defined as the ratio of the force of kinetic friction fk with normal force Fn. Then:
fk = μk Fn
experimentally found that:
a.μk is less than μs
b. μk depends on the relative speed of the surface. But for the lag in the range of about 1 cm / s up to several meters pr second, almost constant μk
c . μk (like μs) depending on the nature of the surfaces in contact, but do not depend on the area of contact (macroscopic)
a simple calculation about electrical using the formula your well known. write
done your solution and explain it by using your sentence ( change the number or
Answer :
Answer :
Electrical Energy Calculations
Electrical energy is calculated using the following formula:
Example Problem:
A lamp that has a resistance of 40 ohms, ignited by an electric voltage 20 V for 2 minutes. What is the amount of electrical energy used lamp?
Answer :

Make an essay about sound as a wave . then show at least three evidences and
exemplifying about it.
The sound of the waves have properties similar to the properties of the wave are:
a. Can be reflected (reflection)
Reflected sound can occur when sound on hard surfaces, such as the surface of the stone walls, cement, steel, glass and zinc.
- Our voices were louder in the cave due to the reflection of sound on the wall of the cave.
- Our voices inside the building or music studio that does not use a silencer.
b. Can be refracted (refiaksi)
Refiaksi linatasan wave is slue direction after passing the boundary between two different media.
Example: At night the sound of thunder sounded louder than during the day because of the refraction of sound waves.
c. Can be combined (interference)
Just as light interference, interference noise also requires two coherent sources of sound.
Example: Two loudspeakers are connected to a signal generator (audio frequency generators) can serve as two coherent sources of sound.
d. Can be bent (diffracted)
Diffraction is flexing event sound waves when passing through a narrow slit.
Example: We can hear the sound of the room of different and closed, because the sound through narrow slits that are passable sound.
The sound of the waves have properties similar to the properties of the wave are:
a. Can be reflected (reflection)
Reflected sound can occur when sound on hard surfaces, such as the surface of the stone walls, cement, steel, glass and zinc.
- Our voices were louder in the cave due to the reflection of sound on the wall of the cave.
- Our voices inside the building or music studio that does not use a silencer.
b. Can be refracted (refiaksi)
Refiaksi linatasan wave is slue direction after passing the boundary between two different media.
Example: At night the sound of thunder sounded louder than during the day because of the refraction of sound waves.
c. Can be combined (interference)
Just as light interference, interference noise also requires two coherent sources of sound.
Example: Two loudspeakers are connected to a signal generator (audio frequency generators) can serve as two coherent sources of sound.
d. Can be bent (diffracted)
Diffraction is flexing event sound waves when passing through a narrow slit.
Example: We can hear the sound of the room of different and closed, because the sound through narrow slits that are passable sound.
The sound is a mechanical wave propagation in
the direction parallel to the direction of vibration (longitudinal waves).
Terms of hearing the sound there are 3 kinds:
1. There is a sound source
2. There is a medium (air)
3. There listener
Sound properties include:
• vines require medium
• It is a longitudinal wave
• Can be reflected
The propagation of sound
Since sound is the sound waves have a propagation is influenced by two factors:
1. Particle density of the medium through which the sound. The more tightly the particle composition of the medium, the faster sound propagates, so that the sound propagates fastest in solids.
2. Medium temperature, the more heat the temperature of the medium through which the sound propagates faster.
Wave is defined as the energy vibrations that propagate. In everyday life many people think that the wave is propagating in the resonance or particle.
Wave by the medium can be divided into 2 types:
• mechanical waves in the wave propagation requires a medium.
Examples of mechanical waves are sound waves.
• Electromagnetic waves are waves that do not require the propagation medium.
Examples elekromagnetik waves are light waves.
Wave in the direction rambatnya divided into 2 types
• Longitudinal waves are waves that rambatnya direction parallel to the direction of vibration.
An example is a sound wave.
• Transverse waves are waves that rambatnya direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration.
Examples cahaya.Besaran waves in a wave similar to the amount in vibration. Amount is as follows:
1. Period (T) is the amount of time it takes for one wave.
2. Frequency (f) is the number of waves that occur in 1 second.
3. Amplitude (A) is the maximum deviation of a wave.
4. Propagation (v) is the amount of distance traveled per unit time wave.
5. Wavelength (λ) is the distance the waves in 1 period. Or the amount of distance the hills of the valley.
Used in the wave equation is as follows:
T = t / n
f = n / t
T = 1 / f
f = 1 / T
Where :
T is the period (s)
t is time (s)
n is the number of waves (times)
f is the frequency (Hz)
To determine the propagation of the wave equation is used;
v = λ.f or v = λ / T
Where :
λ is the wavelength (m)
v is the wave propagation speed (m / s)
Terms of hearing the sound there are 3 kinds:
1. There is a sound source
2. There is a medium (air)
3. There listener
Sound properties include:
• vines require medium
• It is a longitudinal wave
• Can be reflected
The propagation of sound
Since sound is the sound waves have a propagation is influenced by two factors:
1. Particle density of the medium through which the sound. The more tightly the particle composition of the medium, the faster sound propagates, so that the sound propagates fastest in solids.
2. Medium temperature, the more heat the temperature of the medium through which the sound propagates faster.
Wave is defined as the energy vibrations that propagate. In everyday life many people think that the wave is propagating in the resonance or particle.
Wave by the medium can be divided into 2 types:
• mechanical waves in the wave propagation requires a medium.
Examples of mechanical waves are sound waves.
• Electromagnetic waves are waves that do not require the propagation medium.
Examples elekromagnetik waves are light waves.
Wave in the direction rambatnya divided into 2 types
• Longitudinal waves are waves that rambatnya direction parallel to the direction of vibration.
An example is a sound wave.
• Transverse waves are waves that rambatnya direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration.
Examples cahaya.Besaran waves in a wave similar to the amount in vibration. Amount is as follows:
1. Period (T) is the amount of time it takes for one wave.
2. Frequency (f) is the number of waves that occur in 1 second.
3. Amplitude (A) is the maximum deviation of a wave.
4. Propagation (v) is the amount of distance traveled per unit time wave.
5. Wavelength (λ) is the distance the waves in 1 period. Or the amount of distance the hills of the valley.
Used in the wave equation is as follows:
T = t / n
f = n / t
T = 1 / f
f = 1 / T
Where :
T is the period (s)
t is time (s)
n is the number of waves (times)
f is the frequency (Hz)
To determine the propagation of the wave equation is used;
v = λ.f or v = λ / T
Where :
λ is the wavelength (m)
v is the wave propagation speed (m / s)
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