
Kamis, 29 November 2012

The sun as star

The sun as star 
Basically, the sun is one of the stars are in the solar system and the center. Sun includes a star because it can generate its own light energy. The sunlight than another star was brighter. That is why during the day we can not see a star other than the sun. 

The sun is the closest star to Earth with an average distance of 149,680,000 kilometers (93,026,724 miles). The sun and the eight planets (the known / discovered by humans) to form the Solar System. The sun is classified as a small star type G. 
The sun is a ball of incandescent gas and it did not really round. The sun has the equator and the poles due to the rotational motion. Ekuatorialnya midline 864,000 miles, while its polar diameter between 43 mile shorter. Sun is a member of the solar system, because 98% of the mass of the Solar System collects the sun. 
In addition to the distribution center, the sun is also a central source of energy in the solar system. The sun consists of a core and three layers of skin, each photosphere, chromosphere and corona. To continue to shine, the sun, which consists of hot gas hydrogen exchange substances with substances helium through nuclear fusion reactions at levels of 600 million tonnes, with it losing four million tons of mass every time. 
Believed the sun formed 4.6 billion years ago. Density is 1.41 solar masses versus mass of water. The amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface that are recognized as the solar constant equaling 1370 watts per square meter at any time. The sun as the center of the Solar System is the second generation of stars. Material from the sun formed from the explosion of the first generation of stars as believed by scientists, that the universe was created by a big bang explosion about 14,000 million years ago.

Minggu, 25 November 2012


Temperature is a measure of the amount of the stated degree heat and coldness of an object.
temperature is Termometrik is as basic a substance is the temperature gauge, which is a substance sensitivity to temperature changes. For example, the volume of the object increases when the temperature rose, the color of the object changes if the temperature change, resistance type of change if the temperature changes, and others.

Temperature gauge is a thermometer.

In General thermometer divided into three, namely the Celsius thermometer, thermometer Reamur, Kelvin thermometer and a Fahrenheit thermometer.
To determine the temperature scale system used under the reference point and the reference point. Reference point below the melting point of ice at a pressure of 1 atm, while the reference point is the temperature above the boiling point of water at a pressure of 1 atm.
The relationship between Celsius, Reamur, Fahrenheit and Kelvin as follows:
    C: R: (F-32): K
    5: 4: 9: 5
Mathematically it can be written as follows:
  1) The relationship between Celsius and Reamur
     t ° C = (4/5 x t) t ° ° R or R = (5/4 xt) ° C

  2) The relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit
     t ° C = (9/5 xt) + 32 ° F or t ° F = 5/9 x (t - 32) ° C

  3) The relationship between Celsius and Kelvin
     t ° C = (t + 273) K or Kindergarten = (t - 273) ° C

Jumat, 23 November 2012

gaya dan percepatan

Gaya dan Percepatan

Gaya gesekan adalah gaya yang timbul akibat persentuhan langsung antara dua permukaan benda, arah gaya gesekan berlawanan dengan kecenderungan arah gerak benda. Besarnya gaya gesekan ditentukan oleh kehalusan atau kekasaran permukaan benda yang bersentuhan.

Balok kayu yang ditarik di atas triplek akan timbul gaya gesek yang
lebih besar dari pada di atas kaca, karena triplek lebih kasar dari kaca
Gaya gesekan yang terjadi sewaktu benda tidak bergerak disebut gaya gesekan statis.

Gaya gesekan yang terjadi sewaktu benda  bergerak disebut gaya gesekan kinetis.
Besar gaya gesekan statis lebih besar dari gaya gesekan kinetis.

Rem cakram kendaraan bekerja berdasarkan gaya gesekan
Contoh gaya gesekan yang menguntungkan
  • Gaya gesekan pada rem dapat memperlambat laju kendaraan
  • Gaya gesekan pada alas sepatu dengan jalan, jika jalan licin orang yang berjalan bisa tergelincir

Rabu, 14 November 2012

Selamat Tahun Baru Islam 1434 H


What is Friction?
Friction is the "evil" of all motion. No matter which direction something moves in, friction pulls it the other way. Move something left, friction pulls right. Move something up, friction pulls down. It appears as if nature has given us friction to stop us from moving anything.
Friction is actually a force that appears whenever two things rub against each other. Although two objects might look smooth, microscopically, they're very rough and jagged, as this picture shows:
As they slide against each other, their contact is anything BUT smooth. They both kind of grind and drag against each other. This is where friction comes from.
But friction is not all bad. In fact, it has a lot to do with life as we know it here on Earth. Without it, we wouldn't be able to walk, sit in a chair, climb stairs, or use a mouse to surf the web. Everything would just keep slipping and falling all over the place.



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